It is a matter of honor for us at Don Bosco Provincial House to have hosted The National Council of the Don Bosco Alumni, which was held from 11 to 13 August 2016. The National Past Pupils Delegate, Fr Maddhichetty Noel, the National Past Pupils Presid
ent Mr Ketan Gala, the Local Past Pupils Delegate Fr Y. Joji, the Local Past Pupils president Mr Ramesh Bojja and other members of the national and local units were present.
During these days the councildiscussed on various topics ranging from Technology Adoption and Future Outlook to Strategic Planning and Developmental Programs. It was indeed a grace filled occasion and a concrete expression of the fruitfulness of the Salesian Mission in India. Fr Thathireddy Vijaya Bhaskar, the provincial of the Salesian Province of Hyderabad, addressing the gathering reminded them of the first meeting of the Salesian Alumni with Don Bosco, back in 1870, organized by Carlo Gastini. He discussed with them the four types of Alumni. Those who are alumni by chance, those alumni who are grateful for what they received, those alumni who get involved with the Salesian Mission and those alumni who make the Salesian way of living their way of living. He encouraged the National Council to move towards making the Salesian Spirit their way of living.
The conclusion of this meeting was the local past pupils congress held at Ramanthapur where the National Past Pupils Council members were felicitated and they had an occasion to interact with other local Alumni. The national council was really impressed and expressed their gratitude for the hospitality that the Province of St. Joseph is known for.