The Headmasters` and Principals` meeting of theSalesian province of St. Joseph Hyderabad was held on 5th January. Rev Fr. Provincial, gave the keynote address to the participants in which he spoke about `Don Bosco`s Protection Policy, 2013` stressing on the spirituality of the Salesian Presence and animation-filled supervision. He emphasized on the pedagogy of Don Bosco, indicating that we ought to have the contextualized and updated version of the preventive system. The reason religion and loving kindness are the hallmarks of the preventive system.
The SWOT analysis which was presented by Fr. Balashowry has enabled us to comprehend the holistic outlook of our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities& Threats. We have learnt the internal and external aspects of SWOT (Strengths, Weakness,Opportunities& Threats)through his detailed presentation. There was an opportunity for all the Headmasters and Principals to present their schools and colleges in the light of SWOT analysis. They also presentedthe history and the updated version of each school and college. In the afternoon we had celebrated the Holy Eucharist presided over by Rev Fr Provincial.
There were 27 who participated in this meeting. We concluded the meeting with tea. Let us serve these poor children as they are in need of our helping hands to enlighten their minds. Fr. Gali Naresh