25th January 2016 Children Parliament: Tuition centres of Nacharam & Erukulavada suffer from the menace of mosquitoes in their area. The children’s parliament members held a meeting and decided to do something about it. They thought it would be a good idea carry out a rally inorder to gain the attention of the area’s political leaders who were campaigning for the municipal elections. They got immediate approval and complete support and encouragement from the program co-ordinator Mr.S Ambedkar and the tuition centre teachers Ms.N Anitha and Ms.K Sarojini.
Almost 60 children participated in a rally on 25th January, 2016 where they made out charts and placards with slogans on how to prevent and eradicate mosquitoes from the area, educating the people.
They encountered Ms.Anita Padma Reddy, an independent candidate campaigning for Corporator. The children presented a memorandum to her saying that in case she wins the elections, her priority should be to eliminate the menace of mosquitoes from the area. They also made a request to look into the issue of community halls so that they can use the same for conducting evening tuitions.
Parents of these children also joined the rally to add strength to their message. They felt proud of the initiative their children were taking for the welfare of neighborhood.
Former Corporator of the area, Mr.Tunga Tirupati was highly impressed with the children’s initiative when he heard about it. As part of Republic Day celebrations on 26th Jan, he visited the Erukulavada TC and presented the students there with some token gifts as a mark of appreciation.